Portuguese for foreigners, Online classes – ruby academy

 Portuguese for foreigners: Portuguese for the Corporate World 

 Here you can find all the benefits of studying at Ruby Academy. The Portuguese course for foreigners and expats with the best methodology online and in-company in Brazil. 

Why should you invest in a Portuguese language course for expats? 

The phenomenon of crescent globalization and so the necessity of an efficient second language for communication makes the Portuguese language fundamental not only in Brazil and in Latin America, but also globally. Portuguese is the fifth most spoken language worldwide, the third one in the West, and the first one in Latin America. Around 300 million people speak Portuguese daily.

Mastering the idiom means growth, development, and above all, better professional conditions especially in South American to keep up with the fast changes in a world more and more connected. Portuguese opens the doors for personal, professional, and cultural development when it comes to Brazil.

The importance of Brazilian Portuguese

Our literary works recognized worldwide, Brazilian soap operas been exported to many countries and massive representativeness in social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, there is no denying the abundance of the Portuguese language, which perfectly translates our culture, values, and society.

Brazilian Portuguese online and in-company at Ruby Academy

The module Business Portuguese from Ruby Academy focuses on the needs of each of our students. 

Advantages and benefits of investing in a course of Brazilian Portuguese for companies 

Professionals with levels of proficiency in Portuguese for business do not only master a conversation, know how to read & write in the idiom, but also have the knowledge to persuade, show arguments, and demonstrate vast vocabulary. They are people with good rhetoric, that take part in the decision making confidently. They present defined strategies, know how to develop ideas and make use of creativity, write well written emails, among other abilities related to Business Portuguese. The leader with Portuguese language skills positions himself/ herself at the fore-front and shows empathy within his/her team, after all, the effort to communicate in Portuguese is a positive trend seeing by the team and show authentic interest not only within the company but above all in our culture and society.

The companies in Brazil seek professionals that master Portuguese because of their own needs and future needs. Sometimes the demand to have a leader with linguistic abilities in Portuguese do not happen immediately. However, the professional that masters the idiom have a much more assertive understanding of the Brazilian market, improves the daily work dynamic, because he/ she is a professional that can think about solutions together with his/her team and knows the importance for the company to communicate in Portuguese with their peer.

We are here to help you to achieve these goals.

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